Areas of expertise

From Consulting to Litigation

The exploitation of natural resources as source of rights

African Fractals


Public contracts/Legal and contractual structuring

Public Procurement,
Conception and Construction Contracts,
Performance Contracts,
Turnkey Contracts,
Innovation Contracts,
Framework Agreements
Delegation of Public services, PPP’s Projects finance

Energy, Mining, Hydrocarbons Water, Natural Resources

Sectoral reform, Economic sovereignty, Ecological transition

Infrastructure, Transport

Urban mobility

Industrial zones

Special economic zones


Industrial corridor

Promotion of value chains

Sector development and structuring

Forest management plan

Sustainable cities

Investments, Ohada Legislation

International Commerce (WTO/ ZLECAF)

Institutional development and State Reform

Politique publique et Réformes sectorielles

Sustainable development

Promotion of Good Governance


Decentralisation process

Local economic development

Social projects, Gender

Civic dialogue


Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships

Waemu Directive on Public Procurement and
Delegation of Public Services, 2005
Transposed in a number of countries

Public Procurement Code, Institutional framework,
Tender documents, Manual of Procedure

Public Procurement Regulations of Regional Institutions

WAEMU PPP Directive
Community PPP Strategy : 2014/2016

Waemu Directive on Public Procurement and Delegation of Public Services, 2005 Transposed in a number of countries

Public Procurement Code, Institutional framework, Tender documents, Manual of Procedure

Public Procurement Regulations of Regional Institutions

WAEMU PPP Directive
Community PPP Strategy : 2014/2016

PPP/BOT Legislation

Assistance to PPP Units

Strategic studies

Feasibility Studies and Transaction Advisory

PPP Guidelines

Energy, Mining, Hydrocarbons, Water, Natural Ressources

Electricity code, Regulatory Frameworks

Renewable Energy Frameworks


Electricity code, Regulatory Frameworks

Renewable Energy Frameworks


Project Operational Guidelines 

Sector strategy

Feasibility studies

Project Operational Guidelines 

Sector Strategy

Feasibility studies

Regional projects

Market Study

Study on the development of a governance framework for the exploitation of natural ressources (Congo Basin) : UNECA, 2022

Transaction advisory

Draft of contacts models 

Mining contracts

Oil production sharing agreements


Infrastructure, Transport


Feasibility study

Railway projects


Feasibility study

Railway projects

Strategic studies

Industrial zones, Special Economic Zones,

Agro Parks, Logistics zones, Dry ports, Capture of value chain, Sustainable city

The firm has positioned itself as a partner in industrial development projects

SEZ Legislations, Governance frameworks, Protocols with administration, Operational regulation, One Stop-Shop

Strategic studies

Feasibility studies, Operational Plans

SEZ Legislations, Governance frameworks, Protocols with administration, Operational regulation, One Stop-Shop

Strategic studies

Feasibility studies, Operational Plans

Feasibility study, Sustainable city

Transaction advisory

Operationalising Agropoles and Agricultural Farms

Decisive speech, Averroes

Maghreb, Middle East


Middle East
Public Contracts

Middle East
Legislation, Sector projects

From Consulting to Litigation

The exploitation of natural resources as source of rights

Parched river

Du Conseil au Contentieux

De l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, comme source de droits

Bamana Code


Article 21 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights :

“1. All peoples shall Freely dispose of their wealth and natural resources. This right shall be exercised in the exclusive interest of the people. In no case shall a people be deprived of it. 2. In case of spoliation the disposed people shall have the right to the lawful recovery of its property as well as to an adequate compensation.” 

Article 22: ” 1.  All peoples shall have the right to their economic, social and cultural development with due regard to their freedom and identity and in the equal enjoyment of the common heritage of mankind.”.

La haine de la première cruauté (celle du coupable) m’en fait haïr toute imitation (de la part du Juge). Montaigne

Arbitration cases


Business criminal cases

Complex swindle, scam
Corruption and associated offences
Money laundering
Fighting for the return of ill-gotten properties
Cyber Criminality

International criminal law

International Judicial Assistance
Crimes against the environment
African Extraordinary Chamber
Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Human rights

European Human Rights Court
West African Human Rights Court

Humanitarian law

Law on refugees

Commercial litigation

Environmental law
Responsibility of States – Climate
Judicialization of RSE and corporate duty of care
Responsibility of multinational enterprises with regard to human rights
Art Market Rights, Intellectual Property law
Consumer law
Sports law

Training and Conferences

Public procurement and PPP

Ivory Coast: 2022


Concession contracts, PPA
Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, 2017/2019
Strategy and Operational development of SEZ and Agro Parks

Madagascar, Burundi, DRC: 2023

Eswatini : 2019


The awakening giant of anti-corruption enforcement (Paris, 2008)

Global update on anti corruption enforcement, African Region (Madrid, 2009)

The emerging rule of law, human rights, peace and security architecture of the African Union (AU)/ Prospects for rule of law, human rights, peace and security at the Regional Economic Communities (Cape Town, 2010)

The rule of law  and the development agenda recovering africa’s looted wealth (Vancouver, 2011)

The elaboration of a PPP regulatory and institutional Framework in Benin (Cotonou, 2014)

Government Projects and promotion of local private sector : Which project of economic patriotism acceptable in a global and liberalized  world? (Dakar, 2017)

Integrated Industrial Parks/Special Economic Zones, the UNIDO approach, financial challenges and models (Togo, 2019)

How developing Agro Parks able to sustain the agricultural ambitions of Africa (Gabon, 2019)

Which strategy for community and regional MegaProjects : the West African example (Londres, 2019)

Agro Parks Models challenges : how to integrate the development of agro sectors in the agro-industrial strategies ? (Cameroon, 2021)

Policy and regulatory frameworks for successful energy integration and cross-border trade efficiency (Dakar, 2021)

How to relaunch the investments in agro-business and what roles for PPP’s (DRC, 2023)

Policy and regulatory frameworks for successful energy integration and cross-border trade efficiency (Septembre 2019)

PPP’s for the development of integrated Industrial Parks and Agro Parks in Africa (November, 2021)

Challenges and Opportunities of Special Economic Zones of new generation for economic diversification and industrialization in Central Africa (Cameroon, June 2022)
Development of Emerging Industrial Zones : conditions, challenges, and best practices, (Madagascar, April 2023)
Fostering responsible business practices for inclusive and sustainable Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Central Africa: regional and international experiences (2024)


Planet Earth Ecosystem : for a new law of Humanity

African Fractals